
LWE supports OpenAI functions for all models that support it.

Mutiple functions may be attached, and the LLM can choose to call any or all of the attached functions.

The example configuration below assumes you want to add a new function called test_function.

Creating functions.

Functions are created as callable Python classes, that inherit from the base Function class.

The class name must be the camel-cased version of the snake-cased function name, so test_function becomes TestFunction.

There is one required method to implement, __call__, and its return value must be a dictionary – this is what will be returned to the LLM as the result of the function call.

from lwe.core.function import Function

class TestFunction(Function):
    def __call__(self, word: str, repeats: int, enclose_with: str = '') -> dict:
        Repeat the provided word a number of times.

        :param word: The word to repeat.
        :type content: str
        :param repeats: The number of times to repeat the word.
        :type repeats: int
        :param enclose_with: Optional string to enclose the final content.
        :type enclose_with: str, optional
        :return: A dictionary containing the repeated content.
        :rtype: dict
            repeated_content = " ".join([word] * repeats)
            enclosed_content = f"{enclose_with}{repeated_content}{enclose_with}"
            output = {
                'result': enclosed_content,
                'message': f'Repeated the word {word} {repeats} times.',
        except Exception as e:
            output = {
                'error': str(e),
        return output

The file should be named [function_name].py, e.g., and be placed in the functions directory in either the base config directory, or in the profile config directory. (These directories are listed in the output of the /config command).

Providing the function definition

In the example above, notice both the type hints in the function signature (e.g. word: str), and the reStructured text documentation of the method arguments. This is the default method for providing the function definition to the OpenAI API.

Alternatively, you may provide the function definition by creating a [function_name].config.yaml file in the same location as the [function_name].py file, e.g. test_function.config.yaml – if provided, its contents will be used instead of the default method.

Finally, for full control, you may override the get_config() method of the base Function class, and return a dictionary of the function definition. This approach allows passing much more robust function definitions to the LLM – check out the example functions provided with the project for an example of overriding get_config() using Pydantic schemas.

Attaching functions.

For now, the function list must be attached to one of the existing Presets, as a list of function names, like so:

  name: gpt-4-function-test
  provider: chat_openai
  # Add this to have the FIRST function CALL response from the LLM returned directly.
  # return_on_function_call: true
  # Add this to have the LAST function RESPONSE from the LLM returned directly.
  # return_on_function_response: true
  # Other attributes.
  model_name: gpt-4
    # Functions are added under this key, as a list of function names.
    # Multiple functions can be added.
      - test_function

A preset can be edited by using the /preset-edit command:

Note the special return_on_function_call and return_on_function_response metadata attributes, which can be used to control the return value, useful when using the ApiBackend module, or via Workflows.

Support for Langchain tools

Langchain has many useful tools that can be used in function calls.

To use a Langchain tool as function:

  1. Find the name of the tool class, e.g. MoveFileTool or ShellTool.

  2. Prefix that class name with Langchain-

  3. Add it to the functions list for the preset:

      # Usual preset metadata.
      # Other attributes.
          - Langchain-ShellTool